Friday, February 21, 2025

Where to Watch tomorrow Live

Full transparency: There's a strong possibility that I do not make the finals (top 36). There are 85 women registered. Thus, you may not catch me on the live streaming. Hopefully the networks will show some 'B' roll from the qualifications round.  

For me, this weekend is a race within a race, times two. Team slection for the Olympic team.  Stakes are high. My nerves are a wreck, but that's all part of the sport and practicing that elusive calmness. 

I am also here to represent you all back home- in two countries.  My goals here are to meet as many people as possible ( I can comfortably say in know about 30 of the women), be a positive light, and do the best I can.  But man that doesn't make the nerves any less. 

Shout out TO:

Breckenridge, Colorado at 1am would be the start time. 

17:00 in Canberra, Australia, I believe. 

Love you all


Thursday, February 20, 2025

My stomach with butterflies, head in the clouds. This is getting real!!!

Photo Dump Day 1 in Bormio.  

Easy skin of 1,000m up to 3,000m (the altitide of Breckenridge). I beleive one can tour outside the ski area boundaries and play in any of the ''off-piste'' terrain, pictured below. That's for another time with Tim and some extra gear. And not before a World Cup!!!

Remi Bonnett- the best in the business of skiing uphill. 

Looking down onto the Sprint and Mixed relay course. They are building the stadium 

Walking back through Town the our posh hotel

Look what I scored today! They were taking older banners down and putting up new ones. I am psyched! Going in the garage/wax room for sure. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Kate's Skimo History and lead up to Pre Olympic season

 Then and Now:

 Racing crica 2007 at Monarch Mtn, Colorado. I did not have AT race gear, not many people in the States did at that time. Instead I used telemark gear- heavy and not easy with kick turns. I remember losing a skin and did not know you should carry 2 pairs in a race. 

There were about 30 women racing Vertical and Individual events at the World Champs in Villars, Switzerland in 2019. About 40 in sprint and 7 relay (women) teams.  Racing on the US team then, we finished 5th behind and infront of many famous names. 

I am expecting in 2025 there will be similar numbers in the Individual and Vert, but 60+ women in the sprint and at least 40 teams in the relay. That's some pre-Olympuic growth.

Teammates, Innika right and Lara left. I am in the middle.
We have wrapped up racing at the final World Cup of 24-25 in Cortina, Italy.  

Over the last five or so years I have helped establish the Australian Ski Mountaineering team and the associated Board of Members. I feel proud of this accomplishment. On and off the snow we are gaining more notariety. SnowAus

This winter season so far I have been working much more on strength and explosiveity. Being an endurance athelte for 25+ years forms a set of slower twitch muscles. I have made it my goal to be quicker, stronger and hopfully injury free. There is always the little annoyances and overuse issues. Focusing my time outside of work and family on keeping up with body maintenance:, I do weekly PT and strength and condtioning (S&C) sessions.  This means less time for actually skiing, but I will always have that love and skillset to fall back on.

Below:  Working on strength and stamina: Towing 9yr old Logan on this seasons' first backcountry tour. 5 miles, 3,000 ft climb. 

Packing up for the trip: 

I have an organized yet personalized system: gear goes down to the basement, sits there, gets packed, unpacked, and scrutinsed until the last minute.

Contents: 2 pairs Fischer race skis. 2 sets poles. 2 pairs ski race boots. 5 pairs skins. Helmet, eye wear, gloves, race suit. Race backpack. Techincal gear: (for other adventures) ice axe, ski and boot crampons, beacon, shovel, probe. 

Warm up pants and puffy jacket. Hardshell jacket and thermal layers. Mini wax and tuning kit. Blister kit. 

The date of departure has arrived:: Check ✅✅
Bags packed 
House cleaned
Neighborhood ski
Snowplow driveway
kids and husand hug
3hr shuttle down to Denver in a snowstorm
Check #50 pound ski bag and #35 suitcase 
Not I relax and finish this first Post to send!

Friday, November 1, 2024

Olympic Hopeful Announcement

 Sent out early Winter 

Hello my dear active and snow-loving friends.

Wishing there was more time in the day to play and visit with you all.  Even though it may have been months, or even a year or two, I think of each and all of you. May you have a joyous and reflective time as we near the end of 2024.

In 2025 I have some big goals and plans as far as ski mountaineering racing ''skimo'' goes. As hard as it is to write and say it out loud, for fear of the unknown, rejection and mostly: The 'I'm a 380yr-old-with-two-kids-husband-and full-time-job-imposter syndrome, here it goes:
           "I AM AIMING TO GO TO THE OLYMPICS.''  What does this mean?

Well, I have to attend at least two World Cups this next season 24-25. 
  • Finish within 90% of the field in both races, which for better or worse, are in the SPRINT discipline. 3 1/2 min as fast as you can go through basically an obstacle course. No aesthetic ridges or steep couloirs. Made for TV, under lights or ski lifts.  Think Sport Climbing in the Summer Games. 
  • Or finish 80% in one race
  • Then, be the fastest and most consistent Australian female and be selected by the SnowAus Skimo Board - which I helped start but will abstain from voting on.
  • PLUS, stay fit and healthy for the 2025 Winter Olympics in Italy, Feb.
So, as someone in Colorado once said "So, you're saying there's a chance?" - Lloyd, Dumb and Dumber. It's far out there, shooting for the moon-type-thing, but I ask, ''if not me, who?- That's actually what Tim says ðŸ˜˜. I have been working at this sport for almost 20years. The Olympics did not include skimo till now. Better late (for me) than never.  If there is a 25-yr old teammate who is dedicated and young, and well prettier and faster, that's okay. I will feel like I have helped mentor them and we have pushed each other to this mutual goal. I will happily step aside, perhaps coach, and go ski BIG lines and tours for hours.

Overall I see my role in this current stage of the sport as an advocate and ambassador. I speak up for the smaller, developing ski-nations.  For the 'Snow-refugees,' the under-dogs.  I work for equal coverage for women and a place at the table. I am learning a lot!

Thank you for your belief in me, as an athlete and a person.  No matter what happens, I am enjoying the journey.  If I were more social-media inclined, I would say follow me on Instagram. (If anyone wants to offer that skill set, send me a note :).  Alas, I will likely stick to the email list for updates. If you are not wanting those, please let me know. No hard feelings. I get it, we get SO much email every day.  And you probably don't need to read any further.

On that note, I am shamelessly blasting you all with a flyer for new AT equipment. Think of it as a ''Get me and my family'' to Italy fund.   If you know of someone who would be interested, you can just forward on the PDF and the below sentence, vs sending along the more personal message from above.   Please.

PS. I am not putting the gear up on Social Media on purpose. I have a WONDERFUL relationship with Fischer skis. I ordered and paid for the wrong gear and they have permissed me to sell it discreetly vs paying to send it back. 

Thank you all; lots of love and think SNOW and SPEED⛷️💨

xoxo Love to you and yours

Friday, February 24, 2023

Italy and Czech Repulic Europe Part 2

Youll have to forgive me, I am also an amatuer blog poster.  Writing this is actually quiet hard, but I know you will enjoy and it is a good keepsake for later. 
 My pictures are arranged in reverse order. So, you can start at the bottom if you prefer. 

One of my favorite days of the year! Started off with a massage to work on my tight and painful legs, followed by a coffee and meeting Lenka. Then a bike ride along the river to a picnic feast at a park. Next, a castle tour in Enlish, video call with the boys (gotta love technology), then a bike ride down to the Via Verrata Hluboka on the river Vltava. We were home at 7p. 

Cseke Krumholv. A UNESCO World Hertitage Site. Amazing cobble streets, stores, castle, history.  Capped of my a group of school kids, teachers, and parents signing and parading for Masopust carnival ðŸ™‚ similar to Fat Tuesday. 

Traditional Czech meal, duck with dumplings. 

Our picnic site had outside table tennis tables and outdoor gym equipment. The boys would have loved the water play, put-put golf and mini wooden castle fort. 

Below: Eva installed her band saw on a custom cabinent and with strong wheels. Tim and I tried to do the same thing after ours fell over in the garage because it is so top heavy.
Eva is so driven, creative and hard working. She has built-out this workshop and customized her tools, work space and even the wall cartoon which talks about how Batman will not save the world, but make furniture.  On Thursday her new edge-sander came for making table edges. 

The city square in Ceske Budejovice. Funny enough, my friend and the US Team manager for Skimo, Milan, is from here. We stopped by his hosue and had tea with his dad, Milan Sr. 

Same river, downriver from town. 
Prague City

I have arrived! What a day so far
Fying over the Alps. Thinking of my friend, Janelle Smiley, who traversed this range in 40days! 

 OMG>>> directions. They kept changing every 5min.  How can there by a 2hr slowdown?! 

On the 'rest day' between Individual race and mixed realy- which wasn't really a relay, i skate skied and swam. Also made some connections with the Austrian team. I was able to find a swimming pool on top of a friends' hotel It was cold and rejuvenating. Modern Italy meets older history.

Sprint and mixed relay venue at Martello

Some day maybe I retire from racing and come back to ski tour the mountains! 
Map link://

Beautful old ruins up on the mountain, Martello. 

Video sharing my experience from racing. I was pretty frustrated with myself, not able to get through to the qualifiers. This meant I only raced the clock.  For me, I want to race head-to-head with the other girls. Otherwise, I could just "Strava"- reocord my time digitially. I had 2 years of Strava racing during COVID. Seems a long way to come for just 5-10min. But I also see first hand the level of compeition. I do not want to alter the level and be an imposter. One definately feels inadequate with such an intensity of racing. That said, Tim and I were talking and he strongly suggested I ask at the coaches meeting that the race directors add a B final to the mixed relay. Our argument is that it benefits the sport of ski mountaineering to have other smaller nations practice and race the intended format. With just a qualification round, my partner Phil and I did not get to do the 'handoff'' and compete as a team.  To my surprise, the ISMF delegates listened. It was too late to include it for the following day. There was a road closure in place and a strict TV schedule to appease. 
However, happy to report that I have made an impact.  I persevered, went through the correct channels and change is made. My 'ambassador' status as the first Aussie Skimo athlete, but also having epxerience at the WCH and for another nation as well, must have helped.  Hoping to make it better for future atheltes and smaller nations who are trying to break into the sport. It's niche for sure. Lonely, isolating, intimidating, and all those things. 

My pile, not exactly a team spread but I have my mascots, Kangaroo Logan and Koala Rowan. 

 An easy walk around a lake above the biathlon ctr, and below the indivdual race venue. All inside a National Park

Ready for spring here in Czech

I will be sure to come back to Czech and the Italian Alps for more skiing, coffee, and good company.